Monday, March 12, 2007

Gotan Project bring Paris to the south

Last night, the French group Gotan Project played at Hamer Hall, in the Victorian Arts Centre. It seemed a very popular concert with most seats filled and an enthusiastic audience that had no trouble standing up at the end for an ovation.

The players dressed in white suits with a black backdrop on which was projected video images form their clips. As music, it wasn't particularly to my taste. It was very mediated and the live instruments did not seem to blend well with the recorded music.

The beat was mostly a regular techno rhythm. While easy to dance to, it had none of the subtlety and variation of a tango like Piazzola.

There was much linking Paris and Buenos Aires in the show. I couldn't help thinking that the music appeals partly because of this southern romance, that a city at the bottom of the world might be glamorised by the professional music machine of the north. The white suits, the sophisticated technology -- somehow it didn't measure up to the humanism of the south.

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